Specimen Loans and Donations

UAIC Loan Policy

Specimens in the University of Arizona Insect Collection are part of an active research collection providing material and information for studies in many disciplines. They can be loaned to approved borrowers involved in the systematic study of insects/arthropods, but researchers are encouraged to visit the collection rather than have fragile or wet-preserved material shipped to them.  In the case of specimens that are too fragile to travel, we may offer to send you high-resolution photographs (with scale bars).  When all specimens of a species are requested, we will usually send only half of our holdings and then send the other half when the first has been returned.

Loans are normally made for 2 years, however the loan can be extended to a maximum of 5 years.

Housing, Security, Environmental Conditions
Specimens on loan must be treated with care and stored under appropriate conditions. They should be stored in total darkness, and  stringent measures must be taken to prevent infestation. Specimens sent out in liquid preservative must be kept in the same medium and not allowed to dry out.

Specialist Identifications
Specialists who identify specimens should label them unambiguously. Duplicates may, with permission of the UAIC curator & collection manager, be retained, but any data (distribution, biotic associations, etc.) not duplicated in the returned specimens should be made available to the UAIC database.

We may be willing to participate in mutually beneficial exchanges between collections but must agree to any exchange in advance. Although primarily interested in species that range into Arizona, we would also like to obtain specimens of any genera and families not yet represented in the collection.

Type Specimens
The UAIC serves as a repository for primary and secondary types. Any type specimens designated from our material should be returned here. The repository should be specified in the publication describing the new species.

Destructive and Invasive Sampling
Before permanently altering a specimen for purposes of dissection, clearing and staining, or tissue sampling, you must obtain written permission from the Curator. You must return cleared-and-stained or dissected materials (including disarticulated parts) unless given permission to retain them.

If you prepare a database of part of our collection while visiting us or borrowing material from us, we will ask you to use a template compatible with our electronic collections management software. We can provide a copy of the relevant sections of our database and would like to be told of any corrections or additions that are needed.

Sign and return our loan form immediately upon receipt of the loaned material.

Donations made to the UAIC

The UAIC has always benefited from the generosity of donors who have chosen to deposit their collected material here.  The UAIC will accept materials acquired or collected in conformity with all applicable international, national, state, and local laws and regulations and collected in a manner that does not destroy or damage biota, human burial places, or geological, historical, or cultural sites.  Temporarily loaned materials not reclaimed by the lender within seven years will convert to the UAIC if the UAIC has given sufficient notice to the lender. Objects loaned to the UAIC with an understanding that they will be donated to  the collection must be accompanied by a written declaration so stating.